06 April, 2007

Novel Book Publishing Initiative
We Are Smarter Than Me

Having read about business books, here is your chance to get involved with writing one. Wharton (along with the MIT Sloan School and Pearson Publishing) is working on a novel initiative in book publishing, and readers of Knowledge@Wharton are welcome to participate. The project -- tentatively called We Are Smarter Than Me -- is an experiment to see whether a large community of business people can jointly author a book of the same name. Pearson will publish the book later this year. The book focuses on ways in which companies are learning to leverage social networks and the power of communities to improve their performance by allowing customers or others to take over functions typically performed by experts. Every contributor will be credited as an author, and will help direct royalties to charity. We encourage you to explore this interesting opportunity by going to the We Are Smarter website.